Boekrecensie: Baby’s van de Hongerwinter – De onvermoede erfenis van ondervoeding

Uitgeverij Augustus : ISBN 978-90-457-0419-7

In 2010 was het 65 jaar geleden dat de Hongerwinter ten einde kwam. Ter gelegenheid daarvan schreef projectleider van het Hongerwinter onderzoek Tessa Roseboom samen met journalist Ronald van de Krol een boek over het Hongerwinter onderzoek. Verschillende deelnemers van het Hongerwinter onderzoek werden geïnterviewd door van de Krol, hij tekende de aangrijpende verhalen van de ”Hongerwinter baby’s” op, waarbij Roseboom de wetenschappelijke uitleg geeft van hoe de kwalen van nu zijn terug te voeren op de honger van toen. Het eerste exemplaar van het boek werd in ontvangst genomen door de directeur van de Nederlandse Hartstichting.

Onderzoeksleider Tessa Roseboom, dochter van twee Hongerwinterbaby’s, en journalist Ronald van de Krol hebben de belangrijkste bevindingen nog eens samengevat op basis van de levensverhalen van acht Hongerwinterbaby’s. Dat heeft een prachtig boek opgeleverd met toegankelijke medisch-wetenschappelijk informatie en bijzondere anekdotes over zwangerschap en bevalling onder barre oorlogsomstandigheden. Zwangere vrouwen spaarden vaak voedsel uit hun mond voor hun hongerige kinderen, maar bewezen daarmee, achteraf gezien, hun ongeboren kind een zeer slechte dienst.

Het boek over de Hongerwinter is vermoedelijk een van de weinige oorlogsboeken waarin een onderwerp wordt belicht met zulke grote gevolgen voor nu. Nooit eerder werd zo overduidelijk aangetoond hoe ziekten hun oorsprong kunnen vinden in de eerste maanden van het ongeboren leven. Aanstaande moeders kunnen een enorme bijdrage leveren aan de ziektepreventie door tijdens hun zwangerschap gezond en voldoende te eten. Want in de baarmoeder worden we geprogrammeerd voor de rest van ons leven.



Snowden SG, Korosi A, de Rooij SR, & Koulman A. Combining lipidomics and machine learning to measure clinical lipids in dried blood spots. Metabolomics. 2020 July 24;16(8):1-10.


de Rooij SR, Mutsaerts HJMM, Petr J, Asllani I, Caan MWA, Groot P, Nederveen AJ, Schwab M, Roseboom TJ. Late-life brain perfusion after prenatal famine exposure. Neurobiology of aging. 2019 Oct;82:1-9.

Roseboom TJ. Prenatal Exposure to Famine and Ageing. Early Life Origins of Ageing and Longevity. Springer, Cham. 2019;(pp. 233-244).

de Rooij SR. Prenatal Undernutrition and Ageing and Longevity. Early Life Origins of Ageing and Longevity. Springer, Cham. 2019;(pp. 191-208).

De Rooij SR. Prenatal Influences on Cognitive Aging. Cambridge Handbook of Cognitive Aging: A Life Course Perspective. Cambridge University Press. 2019;(pp. 423-439).

Roseboom TJ. Epidemiological evidence for the developmental origins of health and disease: effects of prenatal undernutrition in humans. Journal of Endocrinology. 2019 July;242(1):T135-T144.


Franke K, Gaser C, Roseboom, TJ, Schwab M, de Rooij SR. Premature brain aging in humans exposed to maternal nutrient restriction during early gestation. NeuroImage. 2018 June;173:460-471.


Horenblas J, de Rooij SR, Roseboom TJ. The risk of stroke after prenatal exposure to famine. J Dev Orig Health Dis. 2017 Dec;8(6):658-664.


Brindle RC, Ginty AT, Jones A, Phillips AC, Roseboom TJ, Carroll D, Painter RC, de Rooij SR. Cardiovascular reactivity patterns and pathways to hypertension: a multivariate cluster analysis. Journal of human hypertension. 2016 June 23;30(12):755-760.

Bleker LS, de Rooij SR, Painter RC, van der Velde N, Roseboom TJ. Prenatal undernutrition and physical function and frailty at the age of 68 years: The Dutch famine birth cohort study. Journal of Gerontology Series A. 2016 May;

de Rooij SR, Caan MW, Swaad DF, Nederveen AJ, Majoie CB, Schwab M, Painter RC, Roseboom TJ. Prenatal famine exposure has sex-specific effects on brain size. Brain. 2016 Aug;139(Pt 8):2136-42

de Rooij SR, Jones A, Phillips DI, Osmond C, Karemaker JM, Roseboom TJ, Painter RC. Prenatal Undernutrition and Autonomic Function in Adulthood. Psychosom Med. 2016 Nov/Dec;78(9):991-997


de Rooij SR, van Pelt AM, Ozanne SE, Korver CM, van Daalen SK, Painter RC, Schwab M, Viegas M, Roseboom TJ. Prenatal undernutrition and leukocyte telomere length in late adulthood: the Dutch famine birth cohort study. American Journal of clinical nutrition. 2015 Sep;102(3):655-60


Ginty AT, Jones A, Carroll D, Roseboom TJ, Phillips AC, Painter R, de Rooij SR. Neuroendocrine and cardiovascular reactions to acute psychological stress are attenuated in smokers. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2014 Oct;48:87-97.

de Rooij SR, Roseboom TJ, Painter RC. Famines in the Last 100 Years: Implications for Diabetes. Curr Diab Rep. 2014 Oct;14(10):536.


A Gabory, TJ Roseboom, T Moore, LG Moore, DJ Barker, KL Thornburg, C Junien. The placenta sexome: basal sexual dimorphism and in response to maternal exposures: outcomes, transcriptomics and epigenetics. Biology of Sex Differences 2013 Mar 21:4(1):5

AT Ginty, D Caroll, TJ Roseboom, AC Phillips, SR de Rooij. Depression and anxiety are associated with diagnosis of hypertension 5 years later in a cohort of late middle-aged men and women. Journal of Human Hypertension 2013, 27, 187-190.

RC Painter, TJ Roseboom, SR de Rooij. Long term effects of prenatal stress and glucocorticoid exposure. Birth Defects Research Part C: Embryo Today: Reviews 2013 epub ahead of print

de Rooij SR, TJ Roseboom. The developmental origins of ageing: Study protocol for the Dutch famine birth cohort study on ageing. BMJ Open 2013 Jun 20;3(6).

de Rooij SR. Blunted cardiovascular and cortisol reactivity to acute psychological stress: a summary of results from the Dutch Famine Birth Cohort Study. Int J Psychophysiol. 2013 Oct;90(1):21-7

Veenendaal MVE, Costello PM, Lillycrop KA, de Rooij SR, van der Post JA, Bossuyt PM, Hanson MA, Painter RC, Roseboom TJ. Prenatal famine exposure, health in later life and promotor methylation of four candidate genes. Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease. 2012 Dec;3(6):450-7

Veenendaal MVE, RC Painter, SR de Rooij, PMM Bossuyt, JAM van der Post, PD Gluckman, MA Hanson, TJ Roseboom. Transgenerational effects of prenatal exposure to the 1944-45 Dutch famine. BJOG 2013 Apr;120(5):548-554.


van Abeelen AF, Veenendaal MV, Painter RC, De Rooij SR, Thangaratinam S, Van Der Post JA, Bossuyt PM, Elias SG, Uiterwaal CS, Grobbee DE, Saade GR, Mol BW, Khan KS, Roseboom TJ. The fetal origins of hypertension: a systematic review and meta-analysis of the evidence from animal experiments of maternal undernutrition. J Hypertens. 2012 Dec;30(12):2255-67. doi

Bibbey A, Carrol D, Roseboom TJ, Phillips AC, De Rooij SR. Personality and physiological reactions to acute psychological stress. International Journal of Psychophysiology 2012 Nov 9. doi:pii: S0167-8760(12)00647-2

Phillips AC, Roseboom TJ, Carroll D, de Rooij SR. Cardiovascular and cortisol reactions to acute psychological stress and adiposity: cross-sectional and prospective associations in the Dutch famine birth cohort study. Psychosomatic Medicine 2012 Jul 20.

Veenendaal MVE, Costello PM, Lillycrop KA, de Rooij SR, van der Post JA, Bossuyt PMM, Hanson MA, Painter RC, Roseboom TJ. Prenatal famine exposure, health in later life and promoter methylation of four candidate genes. Journal of the Developmental Origins of Health and Disease 2012 (in press).

Portella AK, Kajantie E, Hovi P, Desai M, Ross MG, Goldani MZ, Roseboom TJ, Silveira PP. Effects of in utero conditions on adult feeding preferences. Journal of  Developmental Origins of Health and Disease 2012 doi10.1017/S2040174412000062.

Carroll D, Ginty AT, Painter RC, Roseboom TJ, Phillips AC, de Rooij SR. Systolic blood pressure reactions to acute stress are associated with future hypertension status in the Dutch famine birth cohort study. International Journal of Psychophysiology 2012, April 12.

Ginty AT, Carroll D, Roseboom TJ, Phillips AC, de Rooij SR. Depression and anxiety are associated with hypertension five years later in a cohort of late middle aged men and women. Journal of Human Hypertension 2012 May 17 doi: 10.1038/jhh.21012.18.

Lussana F, de Rooij SR, Veenendaal M, Razzari C, Fontana G, Faioni EM, Painter RC, Middeldorp S, Cattaneo M, Roseboom TJ. Prevalence of Factor V Leiden and G20210 Prothrombin mutation in the Dutch Famine Birth Cohort: a possible survival advantage? Journal of Thrombosis and Hemostasis2012 May 25: 108(2).

Roseboom TJ, Watson ED. The next generations of disease risk: are the effects of prenatal undernutrition transmitted across generations? Evidence from animal and human studies. Placenta, August 2012.

Barker DJP, Lampl M, Roseboom TJ, Winder N. Resource allocation in utero and health in later life. Placenta 2012 jul 16 *

van Abeelen AFM, Veenendaal MVE, Painter RC, de Rooij SR, Thangaratinam S, van der Post JAM, Bossuyt PMM, Elias SG, Uiterwaal CSPM, Grobbee DE, Saade GR, Mol BWJ, Khan KS,  Roseboom TJ. The fetal origins of hypertension: a systematic review and meta-analysis of the evidence from animal experiments of maternal undernutrition.Journal of Hypertension 15 september 2012.

Veenendaal MVE, de Rooij SR, Painter RC, Robinson S, Osmond C, Aihie Sayer A, Roseboom TJ. Grip strength at age 58 after prenatal exposure to the Dutch famine Journal of Aging Research & Clinical Practice 2012, no 1 (Epub ahead of print).

van Abeelen AFM, Elias SG, Bossuyt PMM, Grobbee DE, van der Schouw YT, Roseboom TJ, Uiterwaal CPSM. Famine exposure in the young and the risk of type 2 diabetes in adulthood. Diabetes 2012 May 29.

AFM van Abeelen, SG Elias, TJ Roseboom, PMM Bossuyt, YT Van der Schouw, DE Grobbee CSPM Uiterwaal. Postnatal acute famine and risk of overweight: The Dutch Hungerwinter Study. International Journal of Pediatrics 2012 May 7.

S Thangaratinam, E Rogozinska, K Jolly, TJ Roseboom, J Tomlinson, R Kunz, BW Mol, A Coomarasamy, KS Khan. Effects of interventions in pregnancy on maternal weight and obstetric outcomes: A meta-analysis of randomised evidence. British Medical Journal 2012: May 16; 344 e2088.

K Raikkonen, AK Pesonen, TJ Roseboom, JG Eriksson. Early determinants of mental health. Best Practice and Research Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 26, 599, 2012.

D Carroll, A Bibbey, TJ Roseboom, AC Phillips, AT Ginty, SR de Rooij. Forced expiratory volume is associated with cardiovascular and cortisol reactions to acute psychological stress. Psychophysiology 2012: 49: 391-400.

TJ Roseboom. Undernutrition during fetal life and the risk of cardiovascular disease in adulthood. Future Cardiology 2012 Jan;8(1):5-7. *

AF van Abeelen, MVE Veenendaal, RC Painter, SR de Rooij, MG Dijkgraaf, PM Bossuyt, SG Elias, DE Grobbee, CS Uiterwaal, TJ Roseboom. Survival effects of prenatal famine exposure. American Journal of  Clinical  Nutrition 2012 Jan;95(1):179-83.

AT Ginty, AC Phillips, TJ Roseboom, D Carroll, SR de Rooij.Cardiovascular and cortisol reactions to acute psychological stress and cognitive ability in the Dutch Famine Birth Cohort Study. Psychophysiology 2012 Mar 49(3): 391-400.

IP Botden, MC Zillikens, SR de Rooij, JG Langendonk, AH Danser, EJ Sijbrands, TJ Roseboom. Brief Report – Variants in the SIRT1 gene may affect diabetes risk in interaction with prenatal exposure to famine. Diabetes Care 2012 Feb;35(2):424-6.

SR de Rooij, PM Costello, MV Veenendaal, KA Lillycrop, PD Gluckman, MA Hanson, RC Painter, TJ Roseboom. Associations between DNA methylation of a glucocorticoid receptor promoter and acute stress responses in a large healthy adult population are largely explained by lifestyle and educational differences. Psychoneuroendocrinology.2012 Jun;37(6):782-8. Epub 2011 Oct 5.


Roseboom TJ. Undernutrition during fetal life and the risk of cardiovascular disease in adulthood Future Cardiol. 2012 Jan;8(1):5-7.

van Abeelen AF, Veenendaal MV, Painter RC, de Rooij SR, Dijkgraaf MG, Bossuyt PM, Elias SG, Grobbee DE, Uiterwaal CS, Roseboom TJ. Survival effects of prenatal famine exposure. Am J Clin Nutr. 2011 Dec 14.

Ginty AT, Phillips AC, Roseboom TJ, Carroll D, de Rooij SR. Cardiovascular and cortisol reactions to acute psychological stress and cognitive ability in the Dutch Famine Birth Cohort Study. Psychophysiology. 2011 Nov 9. doi: 10.1111/j.1469-8986.2011.01316.x. [

de Rooij SR, Costello PM, Veenendaal MV, Lillycrop KA, Gluckman PD, Hanson MA, Painter RC, Roseboom TJ. Associations between DNA methylation of a glucocorticoid receptor promoter and acute stress responses in a large healthy adult population are largely explained by lifestyle and educational differences. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2011 Oct 4.

de Rooij SR, Veenendaal MV, Räikkönen K, Roseboom TJ. Personality and stress appraisal in adults prenatally exposed to the Dutch famine Early Hum Dev. 2011 Sep 26.

TJ Roseboom, RC Painter, AF van Abeelen, MVE Veenendaal, SR de Rooij. Hungry in the womb: what are the consequences? Lessons of the Dutch famine. Maturitas 2011 Jul 27.

Veenendaal MV, van Abeelen AF, Painter RC, van der Post JA, Roseboom TJ. Consequences of hyperemesis gravidarum for offspring: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BJOG. 2011 Oct;118(11):1302-13.

Abeelen AFM, Elias SG, Bossuyt PMM, Grobbee DE, van der Schouw YT, Roseboom TJ, Uiterwaal CSPM. Cardiovascular Consequences of Famine in the Young. Eur Heart J 2011, Aug 25.

AF van Abeelen, SR de Rooij, C Osmond, RC Painter, MV Veenendaal, PMM Bossuyt, S Elias, R Grobbee, Y van der Schouw, DJP Barker, TJ Roseboom. Famine alters the placental programming of hypertension in men. Placenta 2011: Sep;32(9):694-8

TJ Roseboom, RC Painter, SR de Rooij, AF van Abeelen, MV Veenendaal, C Osmond, DJP Barker. Effects of famine on placental size and efficiency. Placenta 2011 32: 395-399

SR de Rooij, AH Schene, PC Painter, DIW Phillips, K Raikkonen, TJ Roseboom. Does prenatal exposure to the Dutch famine increase the risk of depression and anxiety through cardio-metabolic pathology? Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease 2011


SR de Rooij, H Wouters, JE Yonker, RC Painter, TJ Roseboom. Prenatal undernutrition and cognitive function in late adulthood. PNAS 2010: 107: 16881-16886.

TJ Roseboom  Prenatal famine exposure and long term consequences for adult health Nova Acta Leopoldina, 2010

SR de Rooij, AH Schene, DI Phillips, TJ Roseboom. Depression and Anxiety: associations with biological and perceived stress reactivity to a psychological stress protocol in a middle aged population. Psychoneuroendocrinology 2010 35(6):866-77

SR de Rooij, TJ Roseboom. Further evidence for an association between self-reported health and cardiovascular as well as cortisol reactions to acute psychological stress. Psychophysiology, 2010: 47: 1172-1175.


TK Klooker, B Braak, RC Painter, SR de Rooij, RM van Elburg, RM van den Wijngaard, GE Boeckxstaens, TJ Roseboom. Exposure to severe wartime conditions in early life is associated with an increased risk of irritable bowel syndrome: a population-based cohort study. American Journal of Gastroenterology 2009: doi: 10.1038/ajg.2009.282

TJ Roseboom. Hart- en vaatziekten na prenatale blootstelling aan de Hongerwinter 1944-45. Hart Bulletin 2009; 40: 44-47.

M van Hoek, JG Langendonk, SR de Rooij, EJG Sijbrands, TJ Roseboom. A genetic variant in the IGF2BP2 gene may interact with fetal malnutrition on glucose metabolism. Diabetes 2009;58(6):1440-4


RC Painter, RGJ Westendorp, SR de Rooij, C Osmond, DJP Barker, TJ Roseboom. Increased reproductive success after prenatal exposure to famine? Human Reproduction 2008 letter

F Lussana, H Buller, PM Bossuyt, M Ocke, TJ Roseboom. Prenatal exposure to the Dutch famine is associated with a preference for fatty foods and a more atherogenic lipid profile. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2008; 88(6):1648-52

RC Painter, RGJ Westendorp, SR de Rooij, C Osmond, DJP Barker, TJ Roseboom. Increased reproductive success after prenatal exposure to famine. Human Reproduction 2008: doi10.1093/humrep/den274


SR de Rooij, RC Painter, D Swaab, TJ Roseboom. Sexual orientation and gender identity after prenatal exposure to the Dutch famine. Archives of Sexual Behaviour 2008 doi 10.1007/s10508-008-9409-y

RC Painter, C Osmond, DIW Phillips, MA Hanson, TJ Roseboom. Transgenerational effects of prenatal exposure to the Dutch famine on neonatal adiposity and health in later life. British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2008; 115:1243-1249.

SR de Rooij, RC Painter, F Holleman, PMM Bossuyt, TJ Roseboom. The metabolic syndrome in adults prenatally exposed to the Dutch famine. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2007: 86; 1219-1224.

RC Painter, SR de Rooij, PM Bossuyt, E de Groot, WJ Stok, C Osmond, DJ Barker, OP Bleker, TJ Roseboom. Maternal nutrition during gestation and carotid arterial compliance in the adult offspring: the Dutch famine birth cohort. Journal of Hypertension 2007: 25: 533-540.


SR de Rooij, RC Painter, TJ Roseboom. The effects of prenatal exposure to undernutrition glucose and insulin metabolism in later life. Current Opinion in Endocrinology and Diabetes 2006, 13: 530-535.

SR de Rooij, RC Painter, DI Phillips, C Osmond, MW Tanck, PMM Bossuyt, TJ Roseboom. Cortisol responses to psychological stress in adults after prenatal exposure to the Dutch famine. Psychoneuroendocrinology  2006: 31 (10) 1257-1265.

TJ Roseboom, SR de Rooij, RC Painter. The Dutch famine and its long-term consequences for adult health. Early Human Development 2006 Aug;82(8):485-91.

RC Painter, SR de Rooij, PMM Bossuyt, C Osmond, DJP Barker, OP Bleker, TJ Roseboom. A possible link between prenatal exposure to famine and breast cancer – a preliminary study. American Journal of Human Biology 2006, 18:853-856.

RC Painter, SR de Rooij, TJ Roseboom, BA Hutten, PMM Bossuyt, E de Groot, C Osmond, DJP Barker, OP Bleker.. Reduced intima media thickness in adults after prenatal exposure to the Dutch famine. Atherosclerosis 2006

SR de Rooij, RC Painter, DIW Phillips, C Osmond, RPJ Michels, IF Godsland, PMM Bossuyt, OP Bleker, TJ Roseboom. Impaired insulin secretion after prenatal exposure to the Dutch famine. Diabetes Care 2006 29(8):1897-901

RC Painter, SR de Rooij, PMM Bossuyt, DIW Phillips, C Osmond, DJP Barker, OP Bleker, TJ Roseboom. Blood pressure response to psychological stressors in adults after prenatal exposure to the Dutch famine. Journal of Hypertension 2006 24(9):1771-8

RC Painter, SR de Rooij, PMM Bossuyt, TA Simmers, C Osmond, DJP Barker, OP Bleker, TJ Roseboom. Early onset of coronary artery disease after prenatal exposure to the Dutch famine. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2006 84 (2): 322-7

SR de Rooij, RC Painter, DI Phillips, C Osmond, RPJ Michels, PMM Bossuyt, OP Bleker, TJ Roseboom. Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis activity in adults who were prenatally exposed to the Dutch famine. European Journal of Endocrinology 2006 155 (1) 153- 160.

SR de Rooij, RC Painter, DIW Phillips, C Osmond, MWT Tanck, JC Defesche, PMM Bossuyt, RPJ Michels, OP Bleker, TJ Roseboom. The effects of the Pro12Ala polymorphism of the Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor-?2 gene on glucose/insulin metabolism interact with prenatal exposure to famine. Diabetes Care 2006. 29(5): 1052-1057

SR de Rooij, RC Painter, TJ Roseboom, DI Phillips, C Osmond, DJ Barker, MW Tanck, RP Michels, PM Bossuyt, OP Bleker. Glucose tolerance at age 58 and the decline of glucose tolerance in comparison with age 50 in people prenatally exposed to the Dutch famine. Diabetologia 2006: 49(4): 637-643.


RC Painter, TJ Roseboom, PM Bossuyt, C Osmond, DJ Barker, OP Bleker. Adult mortality at age 57 after prenatal exposure to the Dutch famine. European Journal of Epidemiology 2005: 20(8): 673-676.

RC Painter, TJ Roseboom, OP Bleker. Prenatal exposure to the Dutch famine and disease in later life: an overview. Reproductive Toxicology 2005: 20 (3): 345-352.

TJ Roseboom. Maternal diet during pregnancy and blood pressure in the offspring. International Journal of Epidemiology 2005: 34 (2): 378-384.

OP Bleker, TJ Roseboom, ACJ Ravelli, GA van Montfrans, C Osmond, DJP Barker. Cardiovascular disease in survivors of the Dutch famine. Nestle Nutr Workshop Ser Pediatr Prog 2005 (55) 183-191.

RC Painter, TJ Roseboom, GA van Montfrans, PMM Bossuyt, RT Krediet, C Osmond, DJ Barker, OP Bleker. Microalbuminurea in adults after prenatal exposure to the Dutch famine.  Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 2005: 16 (1): 189-194.


TJ Roseboom, Van Der Meulen JH, Ravelli AC, Osmond C, Barker DJ, Bleker OP. Perceived health of adults after prenatal exposure to the Dutch famine. Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology. 2003 Oct;17(4):391-7.


OP Bleker, JHP van der Meulen, ACJ Ravelli, TJ Roseboom, RPJ Michels, DJP Barker, CN Hales, C Osmond. Glucose tolerance in adults after prenatal exposure to famine.  Lancet 2001;357:473.

TJ Roseboom, JHP van der Meulen, ACJ Ravelli, C Osmond, DJP Barker, OP Bleker. Effects of prenatal exposure to the Dutch famine on adult disease in later life: an overview. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology 185 2001: 93-98.

TJ Roseboom, JHP van der Meulen, ACJ Ravelli, C Osmond, DJP Barker, OP Bleker. Effects of prenatal exposure to the Dutch famine on adult disease in later life: an overview. Twin Research 2001 4(5) 293-298. *

TJ Roseboom, JHP van der Meulen, C Osmond, DJP Barker, ACJ Ravelli, OP Bleker. Adult survival after prenatal exposure to the Dutch famine 1944-1945. Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology 2001: 15: 220-225.

TJ Roseboom, JHP van der Meulen, GA van Montfrans, ACJ Ravelli, C Osmond, DJP Barker, OP Bleker. Maternal nutrition during gestation and blood pressure in later life. Journal of Hypertension 2001: 19(1): 29-34.


TJ Roseboom, JHP van der Meulen, ACJ Ravelli, C Osmond, DJP Barker, OP Bleker. Plasma fibrinogen and factor VII concentrations in adults after prenatal exposure to famine. British Journal of Haematology 2000:111:112;117.

CE Lopuhaä, TJ Roseboom, C Osmond, DJP Barker, ACJ Ravelli, OP Bleker, JS van der Zee, JHP van der Meulen. Atopy, lung function and obstructive airways disease after prenatal exposure to famine. Thorax 2000, 55: 555:561.

TJ Roseboom, JHP van der Meulen, C Osmond, DJP Barker, ACJ Ravelli, JM Schroeder-Tanka, GA van Montfrans, RPJ Michels, OP Bleker. Coronary heart disease after prenatal exposure to the Dutch famine 1944-45. Heart 2000:84 (6):595-598.

TJ Roseboom, JHP van der Meulen, C Osmond, DJP Barker, ACJ Ravelli, OP Bleker. Plasma lipid profile in adults after prenatal exposure to the Dutch famine. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2000:72: 1101-1106.

TJ Roseboom, JHP van der Meulen, ACJ Ravelli, OP Bleker. De samenhang tussen prenatale blootstelling aan de Hongerwinter en medische bevindingen op lange termijn. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 2000:144: 2488-2491.


TJ Roseboom, JHP van der Meulen, ACJ Ravelli, GA van Montfrans, C Osmond, DJP Barker, OP Bleker. Blood pressure in adults after prenatal exposure to famine. Journal of Hypertension 1999, 17, 325-330.

Ravelli AC, van Der Meulen JH, Osmond C, Barker DJ, Bleker OP. Obesity at the age of 50 y in men and women exposed to famine prenatally. Am J Clin Nutr. 1999 Nov;70(5):811-6.


Ravelli AC, van der Meulen JH, Michels RP, Osmond C, Barker DJ, Hales CN, Bleker OP. Glucose tolerance in adults after prenatal exposure to famine. Lancet. 1998 Jan 17;351(9097):173-7.